How Process Automation Works

You are concerned about Digital Transformation being mentioned all over you. Process automation is how you start the journey into your Digital Transformation. Knowing how Process Automation works is a critical piece of information for you. We already know that Process Automation leads to success. Process Automation is all about transformations. These transformations result in faster ROI than any other transformational change you could do. Your Process Automation journey will guide you through ongoing optimizations and allow you to squeeze more Dollars from your efforts.

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Build a Website – Unlock Your Business with BlueKatana

You decided your business needs an extra oomph. You evaluated advertising: print, radio, and TV. These are all great options for your customers nearby, but could you reach a global audience? Give your business a chance to capture worldwide attention. Build a website! Your business can promote your products and services when you build a website. BlueKatana can help you achieve your goals. A website gives you all the reach you need.

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What is Series – Learn About Cloud and SaaS

Everyone talks about “the cloud” and different business models and offers. The assumption is that you already know what they are talking about. But, do you really know what they are? How can you take advantage of something you don’t understand? How can you know if it makes good business sense if you don’t know about it? Read on to learn about cloud, and Software as a Service (SaaS) in a new article in the What is Series.

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What is Series – Process Automation vs System Automation

Enterprise environments have long exchanged information by using system integration techniques. System integrations have helped us bring data from one system to another. They help us process the data, produce and extract information from raw data. You can feed the information output from a prior system to a further one. There are little bits and pieces of additional insight throughout the process that users add to their data. This enriches data making it more valuable once processed. Process automation originates in systems integrations. 

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New What is Series – What’s “What is”?

What is series is the new series of articles where we will focus on defining and exploring some concepts that relate to the software industry and the technology market in general. Most Customers have a go-to tech team or “tech guy” they trust. Use this series to learn the meaning of anything tech. Learn and help yourself make better informed decisions. Make BlueKatana your trustworthy tech team with this series.

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